Sunday, December 27, 2015

How to get your Relic Weapon (3.15)!

My friend finished his Kannagi (Ninja) yesterday and today we decided to make a little guide on how he managed to get it in a short time.
You start your journey at Rowena in Idle-Shire. If you had no Zeta Relic Weapon you have to start with a “small” crystal grind (same like the Atma grind) through Fates. You have to get 18 crystals (3 of each).

Sea of Clouds
3x luminous wind crystals
Azys Lla
3x luminous fire crystals
Churning Mists
3x luminous lightning crystals
Coerthas Western Highlands
3x luminous ice crystals
Dravanian forelands
3x luminous earth crystals
Dravanian hinterlands
3x luminous water crystals

Since we both had the Zeta Relic Weapon we were able to skip the first step and start with the dungeon grinding with the first stage of the weapon (ilvl 170). That second step is pretty easy since you only have to finish one dungeon after the other (just follow the quest). The fastest way for this step is to use the partyfinder to create a premade group and run every dungeon after the other in short time.

Sastasha HM
Qarn HM
Keeper of the Lake
Wanderer's HM
Amdapor Keep HM
Dusk Vigil
Sohm Al
The Aery
The Vault

After you finished that step you get the next weapon (ilvl 200) and the real grind begins. To finish the third stage you need 4 items which you can get from Cristiana at 21,5 in Mor Dhona (you only see her if you started the 3rd phase).


Here are the 4 items and the material you have to trade in:

1.       Enchanted Rubber (Unidentifiable Bone x 20; Adamantite Francesca HQ x 4)

2.    Fast-drying Carboncoat (Unidentifiable Shell x 20; Titanium Alloy Mirror HQ x 4)

3.    Divine Water (Unidentifiable Ore x 20; Dispelling Arrow HQ x 4)

4.    Fast-acting Allagan Catalyst (Unidentifiable Seeds x 20; Kingcake HQ x 4)

The 4 HQ item you need for every trade in item are crafted items which you can buy on the auction house (on our server 130.000 – 150.000 gil each) or you farm every material and find some specialists to craft them. Some materials are very hard to get like Pterodactyl which you can only get if you fish them in the diadem. Here is a link to a very good website which shows all materials you need: 
Now we come to the harder part …. The grind…..
The unidentifiable items are obtainable through different options:

1.       Unidentifiable Bone

a.       680 Poetic Points

b.      Amalj'aa Vendor for 13 Tokens (lvl 48 daily)

c.       10x Precision Gordian Bolt (A1 100% drop)

d.      1000x Allied Seals

e.      Vanu Vendor - 18 Tokens (1 each quest)

2.       Unidentifiable Shell

a.       680 Poetic Points

b.      Sahagin Vendor for 13 Tokens (lvl 48 daily)

c.       10x Precision Gordian Lens (A2 100% drop)

d.      Timeworn Wyvernskin Map

e.      Vanu Vendor - 18 Tokens (1 each quest)

3.       Unidentifiable Ore

a.       680 Law Points

b.      Kobold Vendor for 13 Tokens (lvl 48 daily)

c.       10x Precision Gordian Spring (A3 100% drop)

d.      Timeworn Dragonskin Map

e.      Vanu Vendor - 18 Tokens (1 each quest)

4.       Unidentifiable Seeds

a.       680 Law Points

b.      Sylph Vendor for 13 Tokens (lvl 48 daily)

c.       10x Precision Gordian Shaft (A4 100% drop)

d.      1000x Allied Seals

e.      Vanu Vendor - 18 Tokens (1 each quest)

Now you see many ways how to get the unidentifiable items. But which should you really use?
1. Get the use of Hunts (Prefer ARR Hunt's but don’t skip HW's). Each Hunt gives 40 Allied Seals, 30 Poetic Points, and 10 Law Points (S Ranks give you up to 100 Allied Seals, 100 Poetic Points and 30 Law Points… so hurry if someone calls them!!!!)
2. Don’t forget about beast Tribe daily’s. You have 12 Allowances per day what means that you can do Amalj'aa, Sahagain, Kobold and Sylph every day what means you get 4 unidentifiable items every 5 days. They are done in a very short time since they are only lvl 48 quests. But don’t forget that you have to unlock the stage there you get the lvl 48 quest. If you don’t have them then you should not start becaue it would slow your relic grind. Skip the Vanu-Vanu! Just do them if you haven’t unlocked one of the others.
3. Duty Roulette - Every day you will get a Bonus Reward for each Roulette Duty you complete.
100 Law Points
Level 50 Dungeon
120 Law Points 100 Poetic Points
3 Level 60 Dungeon
100 Law Points
Main Scenario
120 Poetic Points
60 Law Points
60 Law Points

4.  Don't be scared to do Alexander 1-4 runs. If you go via duty finder it will take 10 minutes per run and if you run it with a premade group you can do it in 5 minutes ( A little bonus are the 20 Law Points per run).
5. Treasure Maps. You can gather 1 Treasure Map (Dragon or Wyvern) every 18 hours. We prefer the Wyvern ones since you are able to do them alone (you will only get Unidentifiable Shell through Wyvern).
Now you need to know where to exchange the Points you earned:

-          Auriana in Mor Dhona (680 Poetics for 1x Bone or 1x Shell)

-          Hismena in Idyllshire (680 Law for 1x Ore or 1x Seed)

-          Great Company (1000 Allied Seals for 1x Bone or 1x Seeds)

Here is how we grind every day:

1.       Register for one of the Roulette Dungeons and do Best Tribes while waiting.

2.       Gather a Treasure Map and use it

3.       Use a proper hunt group and hunt until you begin to sleep :P

4.       If you are sad of hunting start Alexanders runs  
Exchange wisely. Try to complete them evenly! If you come closer to the end and have some at 20 then start to grind Alexander to get the last ones. If you need more Poetic or Law Points you should grind a special dungeon Amdapor Keep HM (100 Poetic Points Reward each run) or The Fractal Continuum (100 Law Points Reward each run). If you are lucky you will get a new player in the dungeon and will earn an additional bonus.
At the end you are the owner of the actual relic weapon. Have fun with your grind and don't give up!
- Chiffi

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