Friday, August 21, 2015

Gamescom 2015

As already mentioned in my first entry I worked at gamescom 2015 (and 2014).

Which exhibitors?
Square Enix – FFXIV - Battle Arena

What were your responsibilities?
We had different tasks every day. One day I had to explain the game to the players who tried to win a T-shirt at our booth. The next day I was responsible for the queue and had to build groups of 8 for every table. The best task was working on the stage. It’s nearly the same task as on the normal tables (explain and help) but it’s much more fun.

Would you do it again?
Definitely! It wasn’t my first time since I was already doing that job last year. The problem is, that after a shift of 6 hours (means 6 hours nearly standing at the same point) you are broken and just want to sit down and relax. The result is, that I didn’t see that much of the rest of the gamescom and my friends were sad that I did not come with them and enjoy it. So maybe I’m taking a year off in 2016 to just enjoy it with my friends.

What was the best thing?
The best thing was definitely meeting so many cool and nice people. I already knew a lot of them before but it was great to see them again because they are coming from England, Japan or other countries.

By the way… this is the shirt you could win at our booth :)

- Chiffi

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